Idhren Drew

I joined SEN Legal in March 2020 as a paralegal, having held roles in education and family law previously. Having successfully completed my Training Contract at the end of 2022, I now work alongside the other solicitors on aspects of SEND Law (with a particular interest in related social care issues), including applying for EHC Needs Assessments, all types of Appeals to the SEND Tribunal, and post-Appeal work, such as resolving funding and transport issues related to school placements.
Prior to pursuing a career in law, I worked in industry and then took a prolonged family break to raise 3 children with SEND. I returned to work in 2016, initially volunteering with Coram Children’s Legal Centre, where I developed a detailed knowledge of both education and family law. The decision to specialise in Education Law was an easy one, allowing me to support parents and children / young people to achieve the education they deserve, while also drawing on my experience as a SEND parent.