Why Choose Us?
"A legal practice built on experience,
with a reputation built on success"
At SEN Legal, we understand that the special educational needs of children can put an enormous strain on families.
Not only is meeting a child or young person’s special educational needs a demanding and exhausting task, but having to also fight your child’s school, Local Authority case officers and Health/Social Services to get the support your child needs, can quickly become an overwhelming process. We know from experience that parents who come to us have many failed promises behind them. Parents often feel that they are ‘strung along’ by the Local Authority or ‘put off’ from appealing.
“You do not have enough evidence for an EHC Needs Assessment”, “your child is achieving in line with their peers so they do not have a difficulty” and “you will never get an EHC Plan” may sound all too familiar to you.
We understand that by the time parents reach us, they are usually at the end of their tether, exhausted and desperate to persuade their Local Authority to make appropriate provision for their child’s special educational needs.
How We Can Help You
We take the strain off our clients by running their case entirely for them, allowing them to focus on what’s important, family life.
We aim to be approachable, client-focused and supportive. We offer a sympathetic understanding to families who feel they have been let down or treated unfairly by their Local Authority. Whilst the prospect of instructing a solicitor can sometimes seem daunting, some parents find that in reality it is an enormous relief that they can finally stop ‘banging their head against a brick wall’.
Right People, Right Outcome
Our founder, Melinda Nettleton established SEN Legal as the mother of a child (now adult) who has Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and a severe Language Disorder.
Similarly, many of our staff have both personal and professional experience of SEN and Disability, we therefore understand the education process and the problems which can arise.
At SEN Legal we offer sensitivity towards any issues that might arise and a committed, family-friendly approach to our work.
Our Values
Whilst we are proud of our reputation for robust representation for our clients, SEN Legal’s main value is that every child/young person has a right to an education and the provision of therapeutic and/or Social Services input irrespective of means.
We want the very best for you and your family.
What makes SEN Legal different?
We only represent families & schools. We never act on behalf of local authorities.
Many of our legal team have personal experience of raising children with SEN.
We do not charge fixed fees - meaning you only pay for what you need.
We have over 20 years experience specialising purely in SEN & Disability Law.
Our ongoing success rate is over 90%. Our success rate for last year was 97%.