Deputyship for your Child/Young Person
Some children and young people with Autism and associated learning difficulties may need a degree of care after they reach 18 and one way to ensure that your son or daughter receives the care and provision they need as they enter adult life, is for parents and/or guardians to obtain a Deputyship Order for their child’s Property & Financial Affairs and/or their Health & Personal Welfare.
The Deputyship Order is obtained by making an Application to the Court of Protection and is something that we can assist with. Should you wish to discuss this with us, please give our office a call and someone will advise you how we can assist.
Obtaining a Deputyship Order is not an automatic process; rather, it involves a series of steps which culminate in Deputyship Orders being granted to parents or other nominated individuals, giving them authority to make decisions on behalf of the young person.
Applying For A Deputyship Order – Issues for Consideration
When seeking to obtain a Deputyship Order it is important to think through the following issues so you can make the best possible plan for your child.
Education: Will your child be pursuing education later in life, or are they already?
Medical Services: Knowing the range of medical services available to your child/young person and making sure they continue to receive the correct treatments.
Income and Finances: Figuring out how to support a young person who lacks capacity once they become an adult is obviously a concern for parents who may wish to maintain a degree of control over the young person’s finances and income.
Living Arrangements: Being involved in decisions about where a young person will live and what type of accommodation is suitable for them, is another issue which parents and guardians may wish to be involved in.
Safety: Many young people lacking capacity, are vulnerable and cannot look out for themselves, so it’s important that parents/guardians are involved in the planning of safety stratagies, and safeguarding procedures for these vulnerable young people. Unfortunately, individuals who lack capacity and also young people on the Autistic Spectrum are much likelier to be taken advantage of, and need protecting especially when they are living away from the parental home.
Decision-Making: Your young person may be able to make some decisions themselves, or they may not. This will depend on their mental capacity and abilities, their history and how comfortable you feel with allowing them a degree of control over their own choices.
Vocational and Other Services: Provision will also need to be made and maintained for those young persons within the working environment. Access to Work gives details of support available in the workplace for young people with disabilities.